Ever thought the world has gone mad, what is presented as news is just propaganda generated to divert attention from the complete failure of the elites to deal with problems; modern education dumbs down rather than enlightens, science academics behave more like a medieval priesthood than dedicated seekers of knowledge and understanding, and the media would rather report celebrity gossip than the drift towards global conflict.
You'd be right, it's all bollocks my dears, as we intend to show.
Sunday, 9 July 2017
Out of Africa thing completely disproved by genetics
Scientific evidence which challenges a theory that is held in similar esteem to a religious relic by high priests of The Church Of Scienceology, that modern humanity's African genesis is proven beyond doubt and is common knowledge among those familiar with the most recent scientific papers on the human Genome, Mitochondrial DNA and Y-chromosomes. Regrettably, within mainstream press and academia circles, there seems to be a conspicuous - and dare we say it - deliberate vacuum when it comes to reporting news of these recent studies and their obvious implications to the out of Africa theory.
Such scientific certainties are a load of bollocks of course. For political reasons the powers that be WANT a narrative which proclaims "Weez aalz from Afreekaa," probably to keep onside the African tyrants who mercilessly exploit the people they have power over, while enriching themselves, their families and their loyal supporters from deals they make to allow global corporations to plunder the natural resources of nations they rule. Well unfortunately weez aalz ain't necessarily from Afreekaa, while it is quite possible the first modern humans did emerge in what is now the African continent, there are many other theories equally well (or poorly) supported by evidence, that the leap from Homo Knuckledraggius to Homo Sapiens Sapiens was accomplished elsewhere
Australian historian Greg Jefferys explains, "The whole 'Out of Africa' myth has its roots in the mainstream academic campaign in the 1990′s to remove the concept of Race. When I did my degree they all spent a lot of time on the 'Out of Africa' thing but it's been completely disproved by genetics. Mainstream still hold on to it."
It did begin the early 90's. And the academics most responsible for cementing both the Out-of Africa theory and the complementary common ancestral African mother - given the name of "Eve" - in the public arena and nearly every curriculum, were Professors Alan C. Wilson and Rebecca L. Cann.
In their defense, the authors of this paper were fully aware that genealogy is not in any way linked to geography, and that their placement of Eve in Africa was an assumption, never an assertion.
A more recent paper on a study of Y-chromosomes, published in 2012 and titled (Re-Examing the "Out of Africa" Theory and the Origin of Europeoids (Caucasians) in the Light of DNA Genealogy written by Anatole A. Klyosov and Igor L. Rozhanski) only confirms the denial of any African ancestry in non-Africans, and strongly supports the existence of a "common ancestor" who "would not necessarily be in Africa. In fact, it was never proven that he lived in Africa."
Central to results of this thorough examination of haplogroups was the discovery that there was an absence of any African genes in many ethnically homogenous populations. So lacking was the sampling of African genetic involvement, the researchers stated in their introduction that, "the finding that the Europeoid haplogroups did not descend from "African" haplogroups A or B is supported by the fact that bearers of the Europeoid, as well as all non-African groups do not carry either SNI's M91, P97, M31, P82, M23, M114, P262".
With the haplogroups not present in any African genes and a lack of African genes where there should have been of dozens of African genetic markers, it is almost impossible to make a case for European ethnicities having any link to Africa. The researchers are adamant that their extensive study "offers evidence to re-examine the validity of the Out-of-Africa concept".
They see no genetic proof substantiating an African precedence in the Homo sapien tree, and maintain that "a more plausible interpretation might have been that both current Africans and non-Africans descended separately
from a more ancient common ancestor, thus forming a proverbial fork".
We regard the claim of "a more plausible explanation" as a gross understatement, since there is absolutely nothing plausibly African turning up in any test tubes. In fact, the researchers made note of their repeated absence stating "not one non-African participant out of more than 400 individuals in the Project tested positive to any of
thirteen 'African' sub-clades of haplogroup A".
The only remaining uncertainty relates to the identity of this "more ancient common ancestor". All that can be stated with confidence is that humanity's ancestor did not reside in Africa.
Unfounded accusations of racism have become common as the prevailing Afrocentric hypothesis is constantly being challenged by the growing mountain of conflicting scientific evidence, especially in the evolving field of genetics.
It is now scientifically irrefutable fact that the "human species" has been found to contain a substantial quantity of DNA (at least 20%)
from other hominid populations not classified as Homo sapien; such as Neanderthal, Denisovan, African archaic, Homo erectus, and now possibly even "Hobbit" (Homo floresiensis).
If not given drugs to prevent infant death, the pregnant body of a rhesus negative mother will attack, try to reject, and even kill her own offspring if it is by a rhesus positive man.
The Domestic dog (Canis lupus familiaris) is a sub-species of the gray wolf (Canis lupus), and they produce hybrids.
There are numerous other examples of where two separate species (for example with different numbers of chromosomes) can also produce viable offspring, yet are considered separate species. That said, humanity has been shown to be, genetically speaking, a hybrid species that did not all share the same hunter-gatherer ancestry in Africa.
Recent sequencing of ancient genomes suggests that interbreeding went on between the members of several ancient human-like groups more than 30,000 years ago, including an as-yet unknown human ancestor.
"There were many hominid populations," says Mark Thomas, evolutionary geneticist at University College London.
Recent genetic studies are touting shocking headlines about how ancient humans 'rampantly interbred' and indulged in inter-species interracial sex with multiple mystery sub-races in a "Lord Of The Rings"-style world of different creatures, including mystery DNA - neither human nor
Neanderthal, not yet identified.
Religion, Science? Will Nothing Shut The Fundamentalists Up?
Since the election of Barck Obama back in 2008 gave the irrational 'rationalists' lists' of the left the notion that they have won all the arguments and were empowered to impose their humanist dogma on everybody and the resurgence of Islamic fundamentalism, there seems to be little room for intelligent discussion of philosophy and metaphysics Scientists Discover A New Human Ancestor
A NEW species of human – the Homo Naledi has been discovered in a cave in South Africa, an international team of scientists have confirmed. The new species was discovered 50 kilometers northwest of Johannesburg, South Africa and is being hailed as the ‘find of the century” by scientists. New Physics Theory Proposes Time Is Disappearing From Our Universe.
I have never understood why we invest so much money in theoretical physics, which basically means blokes with pointy heads sitting around having intellectual wanks as they dream up constantly whackier theories to explain how our universe works. One idea they cling to fondly which I find crazy, is that time is somehow material than can be stretched, compressed, kicked around like a football and made to disappear. Human DNA Shock: David Icke Was Right All The Time
newly published scientific research shows that Mr. Icke may have been right all along. About 30,000 years ago early human ancestors interbred with a species completely unknown to biologists, geneticists and anthropologists it reveals. Has Human Evolution Stopped - Are We Now Masters Of Our Own Destiny
The usual arguments around the topic of evolution revolve on the science versus religion war, did we evolve or were we created? That is really an unsatisfactory debate because unless the ancient texts of many religions are interpreted literally then the Big Bang could have been the result of an act of creation while evolution addresses the diversity of life, not its origin. When we consider the
Ancestors of ancient Egyptians came from Europe and Middle East, says study
Ancient Egyptians were more closely related to people from the
Middle East and Europe than those from Central Africa, according to a
genetic analysis of mummies’ DNA.
A team of international scientists from the University of Tuebingen and the Max Planck
Institute for the Science of Human History in Germany analyzed the DNA
of 90 Egyptian mummies dating from approximately 1400 BCE to 400 CE.
Amazingly, the team’s findings revealed that the mummies’ closest kin
were ancient farmers from the Levant – a historical term for a large
geographic area in the eastern Mediterranean that includes Israel and
The study, published in Nature,
also claims that ancient Egyptians were closely related to Neolithic
populations from the Anatolian Peninsula, an area made up of the
majority of modern-day Turkey and Europe.
“The genetics of the Abusir el-Meleq community did not
undergo any major shifts during the 1,300-year timespan we studied,
suggesting that the population remained, genetically, relatively
unaffected by foreign conquest and rule,” said Wolfgang Haak, from the Max Planck Institutes.
is perhaps even more interesting is the revelation that modern
Egyptians are closer to sub-Saharan African populations than their
ancient counterparts, a finding which Stephan Schiffels of the Max
Planck Institutes believes was caused by “an increase in Sub-Saharan African gene flow into Egypt within the last 1,500 years.”
research cited improved mobility down the Nile River, increased
long-distance trade between sub-Saharan Africa and Egypt, and the
trans-Saharan slave trade that began around 1,300 years ago.
151 mummified remains were initially sampled from the archaeological
site of Abusir el-Meleq, along the Nile River in Middle Egypt.
genomes, DNA passed from mother to child, were recovered from 90
mummies while rare genome-wide datasets, the DNA of both parents, were
acquired from three mummies.
Acquisition of detailed nuclear DNA
has traditionally been difficult due to contamination issues. For this
study, researchers carefully screened the DNA to rule out contamination
from anyone who had handled the mummies since their excavation a century
Humans evolved 100,000 years earlier than thought and East Africa is not 'cradle of mankind', say experts
evolved at least 100,000 years earlier than previously thought in
Morocco, palaeoanthropologists have discovered, debunking the theory
that the Rift Valley of Ethiopia was the ‘cradle of mankind.’
The world’s oldest Homo sapiens fossils
- which could represent the first human family - were excavated in a
barite mine at Jebel Irhoud, 60 miles west of Marrakesh, and date to
between 300,000 and 350,000 years old.
There is no Garden of Eden in Africa. Or if there is, it is the whole of Africa.Prof Jean-Jacques Hublin
now, experts believed all humans living today descended from a
population that lived in East Africa. The earliest examples of our
species were found in the 1960s by Richard Leakey, at Omo Kibish in
south-western Ethiopia dating from 195,000 years ago.
But new evidence could shift the birthplace of mankind further north and west. A recent study even suggested that our earliest hominid ancestors may have split from apes in Europe.
Two views of a composite reconstruction of the earliest known Homo sapiens fossils from Jebel Irhoud (Morocco)Credit:
Philipp Gunz, MPI EVA Leipzig
“Our results challenge this picture in many ways. Very early in the
process we realised the site was much older than anyone could imagine
and we came to the conclusion that the layer richest in hominids around
the site was around 300,000 years, so that was much older than anything
else in Africa.
“These dates were a big wow. This material represent the very root of
our species. So there is no Garden of Eden in Africa. Or if there is,
it is the whole of Africa.”
remains were first discovered by miners working at the Jebel Irhoud in
the 1960s, who while digging a new gallery, hit a pocket of reddish
sediment which collapsed, revealing stone artefacts, bone and a skull.
But initial dating suggested they were only 40,000 years old.
However experts were puzzled by the features of the bones which had some modern human traits, but also more ancient brain cavities.
So in 2004, experts at the Max Plank Institute began a painstaking
new excavation to hunt for new fossils and re-date the stone tools using
the latest scientific methods.
What if Humans are the aliens we’ve been looking for all
along? According to experts, humans were most likely crossbred with
another species, perhaps from the star system Alpha Centauri –which is
one of the closest solar systems to Earth—in the distant past, giving
birth to modern humans.
Tell Al-Uhaymir modern day Iraq, where the ancient
Sumerian city of Kish used to be, archaeologists found one of the oldest
ancient documents on the planet, the tablet of Kish which is believed to date back to the year 3500 BC.
The Sumerian king list states that Kish was the first city to have
kings following the deluge, beginning with Jushur. Jushur’s successor is
called Kullassina-bel, but this is actually a sentence in Akkadian
meaning “All of them were lord”. Thus, some scholars have suggested that
this may have been intended to signify the absence of a central
authority in Kish for a time.
This ancient document is believed to precede the cuneiform writing of
the Sumerians, and the Egyptian hieroglyphs for almost one hundred
Developing the ability to express thoughts through written language
is one of the first ways in which man differed from the animal kingdom.
Five thousand years since, humans have developed electricity, divided
the atom, developed computers, and led man to the moon. We have
achieved things that other species have still not.
No other species on earth can attributure such unique achievements in
such a short period of time. Interestingly, compared to other species
of the earth, our ‘evolution’ is relatively short.
It has been a short period of time, most likely a few million years
since the first hominid walked on Earth. Precisely this is one of the
biggest scientific questions of all times: Why have only our species
emerged to this truly advanced technological intelligence?
Evidently, there is nothing more advanced than humans on planet Earth.
While there are different ‘intelligent’ species on Earth, none of them makes use of technology like us.
Just imagine for a second, if for some reason, mankind had to return
to the jungle, and survive there. Many experts agree that most of them
would not survive for a very long period of time.
Many scientists agree that humans, in addition to their intelligence,
are not very capable to occupy a wide range of environments. In other
words, we are very limited when it comes to our planet.
In addition to our fascinating intelligence, biologists have also
noticed contrasts between human physiology and that of other animals on
earth. Many scientists agree that compared to other species on earth,
humans are rather strange. For example, a baby horse when born, is able
to walk and function almost independently, but this a human baby can not
do, which makes us quite helpless. In other words, we are born before
being neurologically ready for life.
Many researchers agree that there are many vulnerabilities that accompany our intelligence.
Humans on earth eventually became bipeds, which freed up our superior
extremities allowing us to manipulate objects, create tools and much
more. But for all this, experts believe that our species has paid an
expensive price. Lumbar pain a sign that according to many experts could
tell us a lot about our species. Curiously, other animals on Earth do
NOT have this problem. It’s as if only humans are affected by some of
these problems.
So what does all of this mean? According to one expert, it means that we are the aliens we’ve we been looking for all along.
A new theory proposed by Dr. Ellis Silver states that there are several tell-tale signs present in the human race that suggest human beings did not evolve ALONGSIDE other lifeforms on Earth.
The book called ‘Humans are not from Earth: a scientific evaluation of the evidence’
is basically a resume of theories for and mostly against man’s
evolution on Earth. In the book, leading environmentalist and ecologist
Dr. Ellis Silver goes through an evaluation of thirteen leading
hypothesis and seventeen factors which suggest HUMANS ARE NOT FROM
Mankind is supposedly the most highly developed species on the
planet, yet is surprisingly unsuited and ill-equipped for Earth’s
environment: harmed by sunlight, a strong dislike for naturally
occurring foods, ridiculously high rates of chronic disease, and more
said Dr. Ellis in an interview.
According to Dr. Ellis, humans might suffer from back pain because
our species initially evolved on another planet with a lower gravity,
adding to the mysteries, Dr. Ellis also indicates that it is strange
that newborns have large heads and make it difficult for mothers to give
birth, which can result in fatalities for both mother and child.
So where do we come from? According to Dr. Ellis, Neanderthals were
most likely crossbred with another species, perhaps from the star system
Alpha Centauri –which is one of the closest solar systems to Earth— in
the distant past, giving birth to modern humans.
According to Dr. Ellis, there are millions of people around the globe who ‘feel’ that they do not belong on Earth.
Dr. Ellis explains: “This suggests (to me at least) that mankind may
have evolved on a different planet, and we may have been brought here as
a highly developed species. One reason for this … is that the Earth
might be a prison planet since we seem to be a naturally violent species
and we’re here until we learn to behave ourselves.”
Dr. Ellis concludes that mankind did not evolve from that particular
strain of life, but evolved elsewhere and was transported to Earth (as
fully evolved Homo sapiens) between 60,000 and 200,000 years ago.
Furthermore, as noted by Robert Sepher, according to modern DNA
sequencing, it is demonstrated that humanity as we know it, isn’t just
ONE single ‘race’ that descended from the same ancestor in Africa, but a
hybridized species, with a far more enigmatic truth behind it all.
Many questions have been raised in the discussion about Rh negative
blood. If mankind did, in fact, evolve from a mutual ancient African
ancestor, theories state that everyone’s blood would be compatible, but
regrettably, this is not the case. This raises numerous questions that
science alone has not been able to fully answer. Where did Rh negative
blood come from? And why is it that a Rh negative mother carrying Rh
positive children tries rejecting her own offspring? Is it possible that
this can be explained by a rather controversial theory? A theory which
suggests that humanity isn’t in fact one race, but a hybridized species.
The book was written by Robert Sepehr, Species with Amnesia: Our Forbidden History
tells us more about the enigmatic blood type Rh-negative. Not only does
Species with Amnesia suggest mankind is, in fact, a hybridized species,
the author suggests that highly advanced civilizations have been on
Earth before us, just to be destroyed by some great global catastrophe,
as mysteriously, history tells us. Sepehr argues that
for each race that has died out, another has taken its place, with a
selected few holding on to the memories and sacred knowledge of the past
race. In our vanity, we think we have discovered some of the great
truths of science and technology, but we are in fact only just beginning
to rediscover the profound wisdom of past civilizations. In many ways,
we are like an awakening Species with Amnesia, yearning to reclaim our
forgotten past. –
The Basque people of Spain and France have the highest percentage of
Rh negative blood. About 30% have (rr) Rh negative and about 60% carry
one (r) negative gene.
“There are 612 primate species and subspecies recognized by the
international Union for Conversation of Nature (IUCN), and not one has
Rh negative blood”. – Robert Sepehr, Species with Amnesia: Our Forbidden History
The new fossils, of three young adults, one adolescent and a child of around eight years old, prove that early modern humans were already established at Jebel Irhoud at least 300,000 years ago.
“There is this notion that somewhere in East Africa there is a Garden
of Eden where are species first developed and then spread within
Africa, and outside of Africa,” said Professor Jean-Jacques Hublin, of
the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig,
Three new discoveries in a month rock our African origins -
The evolutionary story of modern humans just got more complicated
John Hawkes, Mediu
Four years ago, the story of modern human origins seemed fairly simple. Modern humans originated in Africa sometime around 200,000 years ago. Some modern people spread into other parts of the world sometime after 100,000 years ago, mixing a bit with archaic human groups they met along the way.
New discoveries have shown just how oversimplified this picture was. The common ancestors of today’s modern humans lived a lot earlier than we thought, and we can’t connect them to the fossil record. They were far from alone: Africa was full of other groups, now extinct, and some of them mixed Neanderthal-like into living populations.
The last month has seen more shake-ups to the modern human origins story than any time I can remember. Here’s what we have learned in the last few weeks about this key time period in Africa.
The deepest split
Modern humans share a lot with each other. We’re 99.9% genetically the same, and that impressive genetic similarity comes from inbreeding.
When geneticists first started measuring genetic differences between people, they realized that the population must have once been a lot smaller. They came up with the idea of a genetic “bottleneck”, a period in which the human population might have been very small.
But the last few years have added a lot of complications to this simple picture.
A result from PSMC studies of human genomes from different populations (indicated). The French underwent a clear bottleneck, starting between 100,000 and 50,000 years ago, which was actually shared by all other people outside Africa. But the African populations here had no strong bottleneck. The Khoe-San people in this chart have no sign of a bottleneck at all. From Mallick et al., 2016, doi:10.1038/nature18964
One problem is that the “bottleneck” concept applies mostly to people outside of Africa. They have inherited most of their genes from a small population that grew and dispersed throughout the world. That dispersal carried that signal of a “founder effect” along with it. Those people further mixed a small fraction with archaic humans, the Neanderthals and, for a few, the Denisovans. That founder effect unfolded within the last 100,000 years.
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