Thursday 12 August 2021

Are Vaccines The New Messiah Or Are They Bollocks?

 As the SARS-COV2 virus hoax pandemic and COVID-19 hoax crisis grind on into their eighteenth month, while governments with their threats of vaccine passports and Big Pharma cartel vaccine manufacturers with talk of even deadlier variants that are about to emerge, ramp up the propaganda not just to eleven but several points past it in order to frighten or coerce the much higher percentage of the population still resisting vaccines into submission, stories of deaths and life changing side effects, of thousands of vaccinated people being admitted to hospital with COVID and of the superior efficacy of cheap, over-the-counter drugs in providing protection and therapy we bring you this long review of a book on the life of vaccine pioneer Edward Jenner.

The reviewer writes "not to praise Jenner but to bury him," to paraphrase Shakespeare, and does a sterling job in proving Jenner (like the other great immunisation pioneer Pasteur,) was, if not a charlatan then certainly a deluded incompetent whose arrogance led him to grossly misinterpret the outcome of his experiments. None of it is new, plenty of doctors, medical researchers and social historians have written at length that the case for vaccination has always been overstated - editor.

Review of Vaccine Against Smallpox by Edward Jennner posted by on, February 2011

Firstly, the vaccine hoax:

'Vaccines did not save humanity and never will. Vaccines have never been proven truly safe ...Smallpox was not eradicated by vaccines as many doctors readily say it was. They say this out of conditioning rather than out of understanding the history or science. Polio virus was not responsible for the paralysis in the first part of the 20th century. Polio vaccine research, development, testing and distribution has committed atrocities upon primates and humanity. Bill Gates is not a humanitarian. Vaccines are dangerous and should never be injected into anyone for any reason. They are not the answer to infectious diseases. There are many more sustainable and benevolent solutions than vaccines,.---Suzanne Humphries, MD  Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and The Forgotten History

Quotes that sum up Jenner:

"In a recent letter from Dr. A. Ward of the Pathology Department, University of Hong Kong, in which he requests permission to use some of our findings in his textbook on immunology, Dr. Ward states: "I again like you do not worship Louis Pasteur and I consider Edward Jenner to be one of the great criminals of history.' "---Dr Kalokerinos

It was an open secret in the profession that the great discoverer was a disappointing person at close quarters. He was vain, petulant, crafty, and greedy ; he had more of grandiloquence and bounce than of solid attainments. In London, at least, his presence was a bore, and his reputation an incubus, which the profession, outside his own small following, would have gladly got rid of. [1889] Jenner and Vaccination A Strange Chapter of Medical History by Charles Creighton M.D.

It is sufficient to reassert that Jenner did not introduce cowpox. On the contrary, he rejected cowpox for horsegrease cowpox; and such was his prescription because he knew from the evidence of his neighbourhood that cowpox afforded no protection from smallpox. It is true that when Pearson discredited horse-grease cowpox, and recommended cowpox, Jenner dropped his prescription, and put himself forward as the discoverer of cowpox; but it is also true that in subsequent years he resumed his original position, and indeed dispensed with the cow altogether, and, like Sacco of Milan and De Carro of Vienna, used and diffused horsegrease or horsepox neat, describing the equine virus as the true and genuine life-preserving fluid." [1885] The Story of a Great Delusion by William White

"Anyone who reads Jenner's alleged Inquiry can see for himself that his specific was not cowpox, but horsegrease transferred to the cow by the hands of a dirty milker. Ordinary cowpoxes were "spurious". It was the London doctors, Pearson and Woodville, who forced the spurious cowpox on the public and on Jenner. They knew the smell of horsegrease and would not touch it with the end of a bargepole."--Lionel Dole

Yes, he was a horsegrease man!

Edward Jenner inoculated his 18 months old son with swine-pox, on November 1791 and again in April, 1798 with cow-pox. The boy was never very well after that and died of tuberculosis at the age of 21.

In Baron's Life of Jenner, (Vol. II, p. 304) we learn that, "On the 14th of May, 1796 . . . Jenner vaccinated James Phipps, a boy about eight years old, with the matter taken from the hand of a dairymaid infected with casual cow-pox.

After waiting six weeks Jenner inoculated this boy on both arms with smallpox matter, taken from the arm of a boy with smallpox. Several months later Phipps was again inoculated with the variolous matter (smallpox pus) but no effect was produced."

The inoculation didn't "take" so on the strength of this one experiment and its questionable interpretation, Jenner based his claim that one vaccination would "forever secure a person from smallpox." No time had elapsed to prove whether it would last a lifetime or a month or at all; but without any proof or any scientific basis or evidence for its practice, the doctors and the government adopted it and made it compulsory, no doubt, seeing the gold mine in profits that it would yield.

James Phipps was declared immune to smallpox but be too, died of tuberculosis at the age of 20.

In Baron's Life of Jenner, the author refers to Phipps condition as follows:

"While walking with a friend one day they passed young Phipps, when Jenner exclaimed, `Oh, there is poor Phipps; I wish you could see him; he has been very unwell lately and I am afraid he has got tuberculosis on his lungs. He was recently inoculated for smallpox, I believe for the 20th time, and all without effect.'"

"I well remember, some years ago, listening to a knighted medical researcher as he spoke, on the radio, about vaccines. He told two classical stories form the history books. The first concerned Edward Jenner who, according to history, watched as the milkmaid caught cowpox and this protected her from smallpox. So Jenner got some of the 'cowpox' and inoculated it into someone's arm - it fostered and the pus was then inoculated into someone else - 100% success was claimed. 100%!! How absurd - complete with all sorts of germs including hepatitis, syphilis and whatever. If one did that today, without antibiotics, the death rate would be huge."---Dr Kalokerinos, M.D.

Quotes that sum up smallpox vaccination:

"It is pathetic and ludicrous to say we ever vanquished smallpox with vaccines, when only 10% of the population was ever vaccinated." Dr Glen Dettman.

"If people are worried about endemic smallpox, it disappeared from this country not because of our mass herd immunity. It disappeared because of our economic development. And that's why it disappeared from Europe and many other countries, and it will not be sustained here, even if there were several importations, I'm sure. It's not from universal vaccination."----Dr. Mack

"One of the medical profession's greatest boasts is that it eradicated smallpox through the use of the smallpox vaccine. I myself believed this claim for many years. But it simply isn't true. One of the worst smallpox epidemics of all time took place in England between 1870 and 1872 - nearly two decades after compulsory vaccination was introduced. After this evidence that smallpox vaccination didn't work the people of Leicester in the English midlands refused to have the vaccine any more. When the next smallpox epidemic struck in the early 1890s the people of Leicester relied upon good sanitation and a system of quarantine. There was only one death from smallpox in Leicester during that epidemic. In contrast the citizens of other towns (who had been vaccinated) died in vast numbers. ......Doctors and drug companies may not like it but the truth is that surveillance, quarantine and better living conditions got rid of smallpox - not the smallpox vaccine......It is worth pointing out that Edward Jenner, widely feted as the inventor of the smallpox vaccine, tried out the first smallpox vaccination on his own 10 month old son. His son remained mentally retarded until his death at the age of 21. Jenner refused to have his second child vaccinated. "---- Dr Vernon Coleman MB

"It turned out that the material produced and used for vaccination contained neither cowpox viruses or did it contain the human smallpox virus, but that it in fact contained viruses which until then had been unknown and which were later called "smallpox virus vacciniae" or "vaccine viruses". This virus- up to that time unknown - has never been found in nature and is therefore only known to exist in the vaccine. At the time it was claimed that the cowpox virus had - while artificially propagated - changed into the vaccine virus. A dispute among the vaccine doctors was the result. German doctors claimed it was possible to change the cowpox virus into the vaccine virus by artificial propagation. Others disputed such a possibility and were of the opinion that the two forms of viruses were two completely different entities. The Frenchman Chaveau was the chief proponent of this opinion, together with numerous French and English authors. It turned out that these viruses are indeed two different entities and that it is not possible to modify cowpox viruses into vaccine viruses or back the other way during propagation. In other words, the claims made by "researchers" that they had succeeded in breeding vaccine viruses from cowpox viruses were a fabrication. It is with this vaccine material - which does not occur in free nature, of which the origin is unknown, which is completely unknown quantity and of which it can only be said "its origin vanishes in the darkness of the past "- that we have vaccinated millions of our children with for the past 100 years!"--Dr. Buchwald MD (Book: Vaccination--A Business Based on Fear

Health professionals:
"In Australia when a few children died as a result of smallpox vaccinations the government abolished compulsory vaccination in that country and smallpox suddenly declined to the vanishing point. Australia had only three cases of smallpox in 15 years as compared with Japan's record of 165,774 cases and 28,979 deaths from this cause in only 7 years (1886-1892) under compulsory vaccination and re-vaccination."--Eleanor McBean

"Dr Lindlahr further states that: "The pus-like mass exuding from the Small-pox pustule contains the virus not only of Small-pox but also of scrofula, psora, tuberculosis, syphilis, gonorrhoea, anthrax, lumpy jaw and poisons in the animal or human being from which the virus was secured.""-----H Valentine Knaggs

"We all know that the vaccinating of the children of Japan against small-pox-- a disgraceful mass medication spree engineered by our conquering army's medical doctors--resulted in putting eye-glasses on fully 50% of the race that Admiral Perry--back in 1870--reported to have the "finest eyesight of any nation in the world." --TM Schippell ND

"Smallpox was on the way out, indeed epidemics disappeared decades before the WHO decided to conduct the final "eradication" campaign. It is also well-documented that the largest epidemics occurred in the most highly vaccinated populations, while whose who were unvaccinated, did not have the same epidemics. "--Viera Scheibner

"We also hear of the noble work of Father Damien among the lepers of Hawaii, but we are not told that there was not one leper in the whole of the Hawaiian Islands before the noble work of Jenner reached them. By the nineties, 10 per cent of the natives were lepers."---Lionel Dole

"Whether we examine the long-continued records of London mortality, or those of modern registration for England, Scotland, and Ireland; whether we consider the "control experiment" or crucial test afforded by unvaccinated Leicester, or the still more rigid test in the other direction, of the absolutely revaccinated Army and Navy, the conclusion is in every case the same: that vaccination is a gigantic delusion; that it has never saved a single life; but that it has been the cause of so much disease, so many deaths, such a vast amount of utterly needless and altogether undeserved suffering, that it will be classed by the coming generation among the greatest errors of an ignorant and prejudiced age, and its penal enforcement the foulest blot on the generally beneficent course of legislation during our century."-----ALFRED RUSSEL WALLACE [Book 1898] VACCINATION A DELUSION


The Conspiracies:
Climate change ; Don't call me a conspiracy theorist ; Coronavirus fear and panic ; Death of democracy ; Currency wars ; Free speech catalogue ; New World Order ;

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Big Tech Ban President Trump, But Reveal Their Contempt For Free Speech And Diversity Of Opinion
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"Big Brother State": FBI Says Citizens Should Have No Secrets That The Government Can't Access
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The surveillance state predicted in George Orwell's novel "1984" has gradually crept up on us. With no sense of irony whatsoever the government of the nation that calls itself "The land of the free" has led the way in trying to persuade citizens that the only way to be safe from vague "existential threats to democracy" is to surrender our civil rights and freedom to determine our own destiny to Nanny State.

Secret Meeting in London to "End Cash"

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Prepare For The Worst Case Scenario
An article on the cashless society our political and corporate overlords are pushing for proposes that as far as privacy and individual liberty are concerned, what is being planned right now in the political capitals and financial centres of the world is the worst case scenarion. An all digital financial system would mean the end of privacy, nothing you bought or traded would be your own business any more ...

Cashless Society: The Spy In Your Wallet
Back In 1971 Libertarians Were Predicting Debit Cards Would Become A Spy Tool For Authoritarian Governments. In 2013 The Wall Street Journal reported that the Naional Security Agency (NSA) was monitoring the card transactions of American citizens. Following that, two Senators, Wyden and Udall – who both sit on the Senate Intelligence Committee and thus have access to classified information about the government’s digital snooping intelligenece gathering programs wrote ...,/p>

Society is Sick with Validation Fever.

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How Mainstream Media And The Major Political Parties Are Making Sure Voters Do not Hear The Voices Of Politics' Most Powerful Critics
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US Presidents Of The Past warned Against Secret, Shadow Government. By now it should be obvious that peacemaker, joybringer and putative aquatic pedestrian Barack Hussein Obama was never really in charge of the US Government. Whatever Obama said would happen, all the American government's policies ensured the opposite would happen. The embedded article thows some light on how the US government really works

U.S. versus Russia War: Top Russian Politics Scolar Stephen Cohen Tells The Truth
We have been blogging for four years about the US drive for war, provocation of Russia in Syria, Iraq, Ukraine and elsewhere made it obvious. But I'm just a news junkie with a strong sense of curiosity and have wondered why the US seems set on this course. Good to see experts like Stephen Cohen, a prominent expert on, Russia are coming onside.

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