Friday 17 July 2020

Pandemic? It’s all Bollocks – 3 Leaks that Sink the Covid Narrative

Here are a few items from around the web that were not picked up by manistream news broadcasters or publishers. The reason for this is simple, they challenge the globalist narrative about the pandemic and reveal that everything governments, scientists and media have been telling us is bollocks, pure unadulterated bollocks ...


The science of the coronavirus is not disputed. It is well documented and openly admitted:
  • Most people won’t get the virus.
  • Most of the people who get it won’t display symptoms.
  • Most of the people who display symptoms will only be mildly sick.
  • Most of the people with severe symptoms will never be critically ill.
  • And most of the people who get critically ill will survive.
This is borne out by the numerous serological studies which show, again and again, that the infection fatality ratio is on par with flu.
There is no science – and increasingly little rational discussion – to justify the lockdown measures and overall sense of global panic.
Nevertheless, it’s always good to get official acknowledgement of the truth, even if it has to be leaked.
Here are three leaks showing that those in power know that the coronavirus poses no threat, and in no way justifies the lockdown that is going to destroy the livelihoods of so many.

1. “It’s all bullshit!”

On May 26th Dr Alexander Myasnikov, Russia’s head of coronavirus information, gave an interview to former-Presidential candidate Ksenia Sobchak in which he apparently let slip his true feelings.
Believing the interview over, and the camera turned off, Myasnikov said:
It’s all bullshit […] It’s all exaggerated. It’s an acute respiratory disease with minimal mortality […] Why has the whole world been destroyed? That I don’t know,”

2. “covid-19 cannot be described as a generally dangerous disease”

According to an e-mail leaked to Danish newspaper Politiken, the Danish Health Authority disagree with their government’s approach to the coronavirus. They cover it in two articles here and here (For those who don’t speak Danish, have covered the story too).
There’s a lot of interesting information there, not least of which is the clear implication that politicians appear to be pressing the scientific advisors to overstate the danger (they did the same thing in the UK), along with the decision of some civil servants to withhold data from the public until after the lockdown had been extended.
But by far the most important quote is from a March 15th e-mail [our emphasis]:
The Danish Health Authority continues to consider that covid-19 cannot be described as a generally dangerous disease, as it does not have either a usually serious course or a high mortality rate,”
On March 12th the Danish parliament passed an emergency law which – among many other things – decreased the power of the Danish Health Authority, demoting it from a “regulatory authority” to just an “advisory” one.

3. “A Global False Alarm”

Earlier this month, on May 9th, a report was leaked to the German alternate media magazine Tichys Einblick titled “Analysis of the Crisis Management”.
The report was commissioned by the German department of the interior, but then its findings were ignored, prompting one of the authors to release it through non-official channels.
The fall out of that, including attacks on the authors and minimising of the report’s findings, is all very fascinating and we highly recommend this detailed report on Strategic Culture (or read the full report here in German).
We’re going to focus on just the reports conclusions, including [our emphasis]:
  • The dangerousness of Covid-19 was overestimated: probably at no point did the danger posed by the new virus go beyond the normal level.
  • The danger is obviously no greater than that of many other viruses. There is no evidence that this was more than a false alarm.
  • During the Corona crisis the State has proved itself as one of the biggest producers of Fake News.
After being attacked in the press, and suspended from his job, the leaker and other authors of the report released a joint statement, calling on the government to respond to their findings.

If the current crisis was being approached rationally by all parties, these leaks would seal the debate.
Evidence is piling up that the people in charge knew, from the very beginning, that the virus was not dangerous.
The question remaining is: Why are these leaks happening now?

Obviously, the economic implications of this giant exercise in scaremongering propaganda will turn out to be the most serious consequence of governments' responses to the pandemic, more damaging in fact than the complete loss of trust in government, media and the justice system.

 The loss of legitimacy has made things far more serious for the wannabe global government cabal than the very limited damage that would have accrued had we let this  apparently man - made virus run its course in the same way as we always have with the seasonal 'flu outbreaks .  Two years into the pandemic, just as those effects were making themselves felt in a serious way, fortuitously for the cabal, but perhaps not accidently, we find ourselves in a wholly avoidable conflict with Russia that can be blamed for soaring energy prices, food shortages and supply line problems staving industry of many essential raw materials, crises that were already in their formative stages before the first Russian boot landed on Ukrainian soil. As the economic effects of lockdowns, travel restrictions and and the vast government borrowings incurred in funding the social measures a  the economic effects are fully manifested, and a record number of people are totally without jobs, homes and food, and we will see serious, unprecedented unrest.

  Though evidence that the scaremongering claims of the political establishment about the transmissibility and deadliness of the virus was available it was suppressed. A natural and uncontrolled experiment on the occupants of cruise ships quarantined in foreign ports when the pandemic was declared demonstrated that COVID was in fact less infectious and less dangerous to those infected than seasonal 'flu. The most revealing of these was study the antarctic cruise study.

Among the passengers and crew, 81% of people who tested positive for C19 were asymptomatic. Among the total on board the ship, 41% test negative, including a number who shared a cabin with people who tested positive. And those results were obtained from the inappropriate PCR test (it cannot be described as discredited as it was not designed to be a diagnostic tool therefore the scientists who recommened it as such are discredited.)

So, this virus is not universally contagious either, as was claimed by the scaremongers. Thus we can say the politicians, bureaucrats and media lies when they said the response measures were 'led by science', the real scientific evidence (i.e. from life rather than mathematical models,) did not point in the direction of lockdowns.

Since we are exiting phase 1 of The Great Reset (epidemic of fear), phase 2 and phase 3 (economic and political crises) are starting to settle in. The damages are piling up and soon so will the law suits. Medical professionals are looking to make sure the damages fall on the politicians and not the health services.

And make no mistake, the politicians and the puppet masters who stand behind the scenery and pull the politicians strings are running scared. They were certain the scam to create a massive panic that would make people so fearful they would accept the creation of an authoritarian world government. And now they can see it has failed, and not only has it failed but the decades long build up to it has so weakened the cohesion of society in the liberal democracies it has emboldened Russian and China to see an opportunity to shift the balance of global military and economic power in their favour. 

How did this happen? you might well ask.

Mainstream media  were too melodramatic, their 'woke' reporters, with a childish fait in the infallibility of The Science and third - rate degrees degrees in journalism are big on learning by rote, short on the life experience from which we learn by osmosis. They know that sensation and celebrity gossip sells tabloids but cannot write for grown up audiences.

Step forward the citizen journalist with varied careers behind us, posting our blogs, investigating, reporting and opining on sites such as Substack, OffGuardian and The Daily Stirrer, rich in life experience and with a healthy disrespect for authority, who are writing reports and articles that actually concur with the readers own experience.

The Powers That Be know the economic and social damage of their power grab  are immense, and nobody among the financial, academic and political elites dares to break ranks and admit they were wrong. The narrative of fear has deliberately NOT been unwound, stories about the horrors of COVID now rub shoulders with stories of the horrors of war. 

Paradoxically, this will worsen the 'long pandemic' effects (pardon the pun,) as those who truly believed will continue to see those whose lives have returned to something like normal as a threat.

Most of the time “it is easier to fool a person than to convince them that they have been fooled.
I was fooled until April, when by chance I saw the Rose-Icke interview, and since then everything in the jigsaw has fallen into place.
Enough is enough, and we in the UK must DEMAND a full independent public inquiry into the actual causes of every case/death relating to Covid-19 (the killer virus that wasn’t).
The incentivized falsification of death certificates is absolutely appalling, we need to examine as SOON as possible the events involving EVERY SINGLE Covid-19 case/death, and if possible examine lung tissue for this mystery “virus” that nobody has identified apart from dubious “tested positive for coronavirus” joke tests (as proven by The President of Tanzania).
There are neither scanning electron microscope photos nor genetic sequencing evidence for a deadly “SARS-like virus”.


While it is becoming obvious to even the most blinkered that the vast majority of deaths related to covid19 are among the elderly and/or already ill, what we are now hearing are scary stories about the non-dead, i.e., healthy young people who were struck down and recovered, but still have aches and pains and fevers months afterwards. The virus apparently continues to circulate through the system so that one day you feel fine and the next you feel awful. The first point to make is that the on-again off-again cycle often happens with a bad dose of flu. Is it worse in the case of covid19? Maybe. Who knows? The same thing goes for permanent lung scarring which can also happen with “normal” pneumonia. The second point is: how truly “healthy” were those seemingly healthy victims? If like most people they were more or less following the government’s nutritional advice, as summed up in the “Eatwell (Eatbadly) Guide,” then they were probably cereal for breakfast, sandwich for lunch, pasta for dinner, low fat, low salt, cholesterol is bad, five-a-day, everything pasteurised, occasional vegan burger type of healthy. In which case they would lack all sorts of health-boosting vitamins and minerals including zinc from red meat and raw oysters and it would probably never occur to them to take vitamin D and large doses of vitamin C. I would recommend the Weston Price Foundation site for further information.


Very good points made in the above piece by Kit Knightly. One thing that is clear is that the Covid 19 virus has affected much of the so called democracies of the world – including a few others not so inclined. Who’d have thought that a common cold could wreak such havoc? But one of the things that connects all the epicentres of the infection is ridiculously wealthy ruling classes and supine political classes. I include China in this analysis.
We are faced with a war on the proletariat by an organised globalised ruling class which have systematically destroyed the rights and mechanisms of individuals to collectively organise over the last 50 years or more. I guess there has always been a class struggle to keep the population supine. But now we face a future where the rights of the ordinary person is as valuable as the cannon fodder of previous eras was. Zero value.
One thing that has brought this into clear focus is the Brexit debacle. You will recall the leave agenda of Dum Cummings was” take back control”. We now realise this was a projection of his own psychological problems. He represents a classic obsessive compulsive. A disorder we now see in his recent actions and refusal to recognise his psychosis. With Comrade Boris in tow it morphed into the “Get Brexit done” mantra, which was obviously code for, “Prison Colony UK”. In order to protect the history criminal aristocracy of the City of London.
So I think that the many competing agendas are now in play across the globe as the band of warring brothers [capitalist/oligarchs] tries to usurp the concepts of democracy for their own advantage.
Welcome to the new normal, same as the old normal.


“It’s an acute respiratory disease with minimal mortality”. Bingo. It isn’t a stroke with a coincidental runny nose. It isn’t pneumonia as a complication to a cancer treatment. It isn’t an operating table mishap with headache reported the day before. It isn’t old age with a bit of a cough last Christmas. It’s not even flu with complications.
John Lee (Dr), writing at the Spectator, says that the bypassing of the tool of autopsy (ultimately via the Coronavirus Act) has been the key factor in keeping the information under wraps. Pointed references in his piece (about which I am going to do some more work in the next day or so) suggest a precise effort by offices of UK Government to prevent the ruling-out of real Covid-19 in real cases. On the coalface, NHS technicians signing death certificates don’t know Covid-19 from a hole in the ground (although that doesn’t excuse them). And apart from the obscure little bit of truth from the Sun and the Mail (and there might have been something in the Independent too) at the very start of the episode (serving as fair warning), the media – of every variety – won’t get into the issue. No surprises there.
Track and Trace, and the difference between Covid-19 and “from/with coronavirus”


For anyone with a modicum of intelligence the debate about this virus and lockdown is over.
We cannot analyse any data surrounding this debacle as the figures have been skewed and manipulated to such an extent it’s simply impossible to analyse them effectively.
The only way is to look at overall mortality rate for countries that didn’t lockdown as they have no need to inflate their figures.
The scum that is the BBC are attacking Sweden fail to mention that mortality rate in Sweden year to date is exactly the same as last 10 years.
The virus has been independently proven to be as lethal as a mild flu and the lockdown has been an almighty disaster which has destroyed the economy, the health service and the mental health of the country.
We have a small window of opportunity to escape the impending disaster.
The British government must now admit they were wrong and over reacted. Lockdown must be lifted and the economy restarted in full with no social distancing.
Flights must return to normal.
I think we have about a month at the maximum.
But the signs aren’t good. Boris, Sturgeon and co will never publicly admit their complete incompetence and still refer to Ferguson’s discredited computer model.
It doesn’t help that plebs like Piers Morgan, the scum MSM and the Gates funded Sage are still increasing the fear factor.
There is going to be no going back to the way things were.
When furlough ends the devastation this lockdown has caused is going to unravel in a horrifying way.
Closed businesses, millions unemployed, no health service, no social life, no money.
And yet the masses seem completely oblivious to what lies ahead.
When a basic income is introduced and will be a pittance how are people supposed to live?
How are they going to pay their bills and feed their families?
If you politely decline Billy’s vaccine are you going to even get a basic income? My guess is no and you will be viewed as an enemy of the state and not allowed to play any part in society.
The government know this is coming and so do people who have the ability to think for themselves.
Is it any wonder the government are desperate to censor anyone exposing the official narrative. Truth is their enemy.
But the truth will come out as it always does.
Why do you think 77 Brigade have really been drafted in to support the government?
There will be anarchy on the streets and the army and police will be there to enforce the will and protect the government.
Orwell 1984 was a warning to us all and the majority have failed to take notice.


The avalanche of posts this morning yelling ‘conspiracy’ has been an eye-opener. It causes me to wonder what these people would say if we all sat back and let tyranny run its course. Would they sigh, ‘who could possibly have seen it coming?‘. No, because they’d be too busy celebrating tyranny.
How so? The politics of envy. The deep, satisfying appeal of schadenfreude. Dig to the root of politics, whether you examine stump speeches or Twitter rants or read deeply on the Soviet purges or the red scares, the neighbors turned in to the NKVD, the cooperation of the Amsterdam police with the invading Nazis, conservatives attacking the ‘undeserving poor’ or socialist demands to cut down tall poppies, the burning of black towns during Reconstruction, and the very selective application of the concept of racism by people who tout their modern liberalism, exposed by Dr Shiva Ayyadurai
It’s the appeal to envy in every case. Like the economists who tested the actual basis of schadenfreude and found that many people would prefer their rival suffered a pay cut to getting more money themselves.
Tyranny thrives on envy. One of the least bloody yet most demonic acts of the Bolsheviks was to ban anyone whose ancestors had been landowners from receiving any more than a kindergarten education.
Expect politicians to set classes against each other as they deflect blame for the chaos caused by Event Covid. Be alert to the rise of tyranny that thrives on visceral envy dressed up as equity and justice. Robespierre’s “swift, severe, indomitable justice” or Dzerzhinsky’s “organized terror… on the basis of their class affiliation or of their pre-revolutionary roles.” How would you have behaved if you’d been there and not reading it in the history books?
“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say goodbye to his family?
If, if… We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.” — Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
It is widely commented that what begins as foreign policy becomes domestic. The fusion techniques of military, economic and social suppression that was the Phoenix Program in Vietnam eventually came home to cities in the United States.
Zbigniew Brzezinski wrote, “The three grand imperatives of imperial geostrategy are to prevent collusion and maintain security dependence among the vassals, to keep tributaries pliant and protected, and to keep the barbarians from coming together.”
In the hands of people who lack historical knowledge and moral perspective, the operational security that begins with Brzezinski could end with Dzerzhinsky. That is why will continue connecting the dots and be vocal about any policy or technology that could be used for tyranny, even while others yell “conspiracy theorist”.
More here:


Oh, some say it is an danger, of course it is, nobody have denied that, the denile is about everything else, bitches, they where arrested with their pants down, and even I am surpriced since I read an recomandation from the very same FHI (peoples health inst. an Vaccine pimp and a RockerFella org) that the MSM used initially, but now is been pushed into the shadows and I didnt read in our MSM at all and our MSM keeps the line they have had since the begining of this eh… pidemic, fear and looting, and claims they do this for the benefit of us all, yeah, giving tax cuts to the elite and that is taken from the poor, to ugh…. ballance the budget, right, nice to be regarded as an humanistic social demoCrautic nation, and whom to blame, nazis, uh… facism, whiteass racists, anyone, yeah, there is an reason I never bother to debate those that uses consensusses when they explain certain issues, nazism, well, to me, it just show how deeply the propaganda have been saturating the west, to such an extent that even talking about it makes watching paint dry far more intresting than waisting time on education of people whom either dont know jack shit or is doing this to divert the present talking points regarding this sham called an epidemic.
I dont have an PhD in Medicine, but I have an shit long list of corporate exprience and educated enough, to know the difference between bullshit and shinnola, and have owned tons of books, literally, and can smel bollocks from an mile away, that, is what made the difference and on top of it, I benefit absolutelly nothing from this rants at all, I even deliberatly stay annon, because of years of comenting, and I have stepped on more toes than most of you can imagine and have had the Norwegian Intel of Police in my house at least 2 times, the last time some shoot my cat with an electro shock gun, fried an deep hole in his body.
I know perfectly whom and why, but skips that for now, because they know who I am and I am genuine, not even armed, and above all, since I am annon I dont need to lie, if I dont know much I keep my moth shut, since there are plenty of things I dont know anything about, just a little about most, but not everything.
HasbaRats is my speciality, been up against them for years, and they stil linger, like pimps on our asses, the reason for me to belive God indeed have humor.
Anoying, but a part of everything else, so we have to live with creeps, and I have stopped feeding them or letting me be provocated by them years ago, now they are just riddicilous, not even anoying, just laughable, and do continue, I never talk about cencure, I am an fundemantalist hard core spokes person for never cencure at all, we have to deal with this, one way or the other, live with them and eventually they give up, because people will learn, those that just read and not comment, they will see that, the fact we can beat them in every way consivable in basically everything.
This “counter” bitches, is like some of the links below, attacks based upon using the official narrative as the only truth, and builds their cases/debunking on that, like some rightwinged, another word meaning jack shit since we all are rightwinged to commie loving CCP bitches, even managed to debunk the Palestinian people, an insane level of total bullshit, but when it comes to the banana republic, everything goes, and in Norway, the itchy bitchy banana republic, we had just a day ago an article about Palestinians are anti-semits and jew hates because they didnt want the ISISraeli Gov to anex the West-bank, yeah, bad, bad Palestinians.
I think you get the drift. But do indeed engage if you want, it may help you to hoon your own argumentation, when you know the oposit will do whatever they can to divert or dilute the debate, its an crash course in argumentation techs, the reason for me years ago to go for the, hehe, shock and awe, maybe to profanity laced, but to me, the goal justifyed the means and to day I dont need that anymore, just beat them to pulp with facts, more than enough as we all see even down in the comentary field in this atricle alone.
I think I am done now, the case is ripped open, what comes next is what will define our reality, and I dont like any of it so far, the cencure is all encompasing and the MSM is getting more and more detached from reality and is going in for an totalitarianism I never belived just half an year ago, not its glearingly obvious, of course except fot the Brigade scums and their vassals and comrades in other nations, incl Unite 8200, and their usual pack of drooling idiots, witch is the one calling us for conspiracy uh.. freaks, again I dont even care, let them drool, it simply means nothing anymore.
And since we are after all, civilised, have an nice day, even in Tel-aviv and take care.
May I stand unshaken.


‘The Necessary Lie’ is the mask against a damning reality – or more accurately – the mask against a feared truth.
Feared truth is ultimately an oxymoron or self-contradiction. The masking of the inner from the outer is the action or event of self differentiation – from within which chicken and egg, or cause and effect each generate each other.
The pattern of Self-evasion masks as one of discovery and dominion – running as possession and control. We are all in this apart-ness, as the very sense of self in threat of lack-driven needs.
The lockdown has a quality that I associate with the ego – in telling reality to do what it is already doing.
In that I mean that the fraud of a corrupted Economy is in any case crashing – but the manual or narrative management of this is the intent to control its contraction to the maintaining of the controllers – who are insiders to the corruptions that spread through the whole by design.
I hold that Resets are part of the way life works – as periods of compression in which contradictory elements can no longer be held and choices have to be made. I argue that simplifying to qualities of life would address what we truly share the need for being. Felt qualities of life are primary needs that rational quantifications rule out, and render as systemic data – such as healthcare service provision – (sic). However fear of pain of loss is lockdown and masked off from all higher conscious function and can only sacrifice or limit and contract towards ‘survival’ as FEAR-defined controls.
There is no love in it – and this simply means it is unworkable and destructive to life – no matter what masking of fear as ‘authoritative’.
How then to address the fear that HAS been invoked or summoned from the deep of ancient conditionings? This is what is ongoing as the masking of the self-evasion in ‘new’ clothes as everything shifts to overt and authoritatively sanctioned fear – and guilt – as our biological predicate – against which a new manually overriding bio-tech god must draw off our remaining funds, resources and allegiances to ‘protect us’?
The pretext is a virus, but the predicate is fear.
Anyone researching virus or germ theory will discover … For the full post see


The whole world does a thing that 12 months ago everyone here would have sworn was *impossible*, and 99% of you here swear it is just some innocent mistake or a ‘co-incidence’. How well groomed you all are- you certainly do fulfill the description ‘off-guardian’ in so far as you are really just the typical Guardian readers, just with some little grudge against the management there.
Knightly writes with by far the best clarity here, in so far as he admits the truth of what he witnesses. Sadly obvious conclusions never follow his very accurate observations.
The biggest problem is like I keep repeating- how would be opponents are groomed to see the world from bottom up. Less able thinkers *think* this is the scientific method, and that top down, lacking direct evidence and requiring circumstantial evidence, cannot be ‘scientific’? This is completely incorrect logic, but matches the fact that many think that circumstantial evidence is not really valid in a criminal trial.
Much real science involves exploring ‘black boxes’ where you cannot directly observe the ‘mechanism’ within.
Our world has ended- by which I mean the world we grew up with in the West. The *real* trolls on this site (the ones calling others ‘trolls’) need you not to believe this, and instead to hold on to the fairytale that everything will revert back to ‘normal’. They are literally buying time for their masters.
There is *nothing* funny about Human Slavery, the mass murder of WW2 or what is happening today to our planet. So who are these people telling you to deface the vanishing few forums actually discussing this issue with ‘funny’ or ‘amusing’ content- even in the worst times there’s a place for happiness and laughter, but that place is not where the grown-ups are analysing the horrors that are happening around them.
The SARS2 false-flag has had perfect execution. A false flag is when you do a thing for strategic effect, and then claim the thing had a different cause (China, nature, whatever). I see a handful of individuals call out the false-flag, most with a background in the biowarefare biz. Sites like this never do, sadly- sites like this still buy 90%+ of the official narrative.
Where the deep state has to allow its best experts to talk to try to keep them mostly onboard, we get the undisputable *facts* Kit has partially listed above. People like Kit say “but you said this and this and this, so how can you allow misunderstandings by lower level politicians to drive social policy?”. I say “what a stupid question”.
The people at the very top (a Hitler, Ghengis Khan or Blair) tend to be very smart. *But* being satanic, they need thickie malicious brutes lower down the power pyramid to ‘misinterpret’ the words of their master in order to carry out truly satanic acts the top guy has to distance himself from, to keep the sheeple worshipping the boss.
So WHO experts and UK gov experts (not the useful idiots brought in just to sell the SARS2 lies) said masks for the healthy were the worst idea in the world- and this information is the hard science published. But lower down the chain are a sea of political enforcers pushing face masks on the sheeple, using ‘science’ as the excuse.
Kit Knightly asks the terminally naive question of how the same authority that agrees face masks are bad can allow its lower atoms to force face masks on people by law. I mean he hasn’t asked this question, but his articles all essentially pose this form of puzzlement.
The *conclusion* is this is how power works- this is why psy-ops exist- this is why my form of comment comes under specific attack. I look at the facts and then draw obvious conclusions. Weeks before anyone in Britain knew what was coming, I was able to tell people in my inner circle that life for the ordinary brit was about to change for *generations*. I am no prophet- I merely tracked the explosion of control propaganda on social media that preceeded this false-flag- simple stats tracking a trend the like of which I’d never before witnessed in my life. *That* is the scientific method.
The Mongols went from ill-educated brutes to masters of the world for one reason- because they used the existing social systems, namely the military and social control systems, of their neighbours. There does *not* have to be a ‘great conspiracy’ as brigade77 preaches. The vast majority of the existing machine is ‘neutral’ and will do whatever the boss says, even when the new boss in a mongol warlord. They are not ‘true believers’, but drones trained to do one task each.
Team Blair needs far fewer *aware* people actively on board with the SARS2 false-flag than you’d ever imagine. The rest of it is simply using existing machinery in each nation. But as the false-flag progresses, atoms are drawn to the tight power structure at the top- essential new recruits who understand there in a NWO, and want to be part of the winning team.
The mongols recruited tens of thousands of *foreign* high level enforcers and generals this way, magnifying their early power exponentially. Ultimate satanic evil pulls a lot of really bad people out of the woodwork. Team Blair’s grip on the planet, already unprecedented, grows daily because of this phenomenon.
Like SARS2 ‘scare’, eugenics was built on a mountain of pseudo-science, rejected by all first rate scientists at the turn of the 20th Century. But eugenics would remian a dominant scientific ‘principle’ in most nations til well beyond the end of WW2. There is *science* and then there’s the common (mis)understanding of ‘science’ that controls the minds of the sheeple.

COVID19: W.H.O. Admit Everything We Told You Is Bollocks …

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