Friday 21 October 2016

Don't Call Me A Conspiracy Theorist.

by Ian R Thorpe reposted 21 October 2016 It has become the habit of the self styled 'progressive left' to shout conspiracy theorist whenever anybody very reasonably suggests they are being duped by the dark forces of globalism, that their favoured brand of collectivism is not in any way liberal but in fact will lead to an oligarchic tyranny similar to the big brother regime depicted in George Orwell's novel Nineteen Eighty Four and that far from being theoretical, conspiracies are very real and exercising much more influence on our lives than the unimaginative lefties would ever believe. Previously posted at

Don't Call Me A Conspiracy Theorist

"If the Party could thrust its hand into the past and say this or that even, it never happened—that, surely, was more terrifying than mere torture and death. And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed—if all records told the same tale—then the lie passed into history and became truth. 'Who controls the past' ran the Party slogan, 'controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.'" - George Orwell, 1984, Book 1, Chapter 3
“We control life, Winston, at all its levels. You are imagining that there is something called human nature which will be outraged by what we do and will turn against us. But we create human nature. Men are infinitely malleable...”
George Orwell, “1984

“The (American) press, which is mostly controlled by vested interests, has an excessive influence on public opinion.”… Albert Einstein


It has become very fashionable among those who love to proclaim very stridently that they are "scientists" and as such rely on hard facts and evidence to dismiss anybody who dares to suggest that individuals or groups who share common interests may from time to time collaborate to further those interests as a "Conspiracy Theorist" or even a "Tin Foil Hat wearer." The 'Tin Foil Hat' insult shows the poor quality of the 'rationalist' thinking. The insult originates from a TV documentary which featured among other things a man who wears a tin foil hat to protect himself from the microwave radio signals being beamed into our heads by covert government agencies to control our thoughts and actions. Surely the writer must agree that is nutty, you might well be thinking. Well yes, I would but nuttiness, or paranoia to be accurate, does not constitute a conspiracy theory. People, rich, powerful people, who engage in conspiracies to further certain mutual interests may well be paranoid but they are not nutty. And they are not likely to leave a trail of evidence leading to their crimes. I've often thought evidence is very overrated. The "hard facts" brigade are often not good communicators because although they hate being accused of trying to turn science into a religion they share with the most zealous followers of religions a tendency to read everything absolutely literally. They are blind to nuance, deaf to metaphor and absolutely insensate when asked to extract contextual meanings from language. Here's an example that comes up from time to time. A claim often made is that during the European witch hunts sponsored by the Holy Inquisition between the fourteenth and seventeenth centuries approximately five million women were killed as witches. Now the hard facts brigade will always pipe up, "That is an absolute fallacy, there is absolutely no evidence that five million women were executed having been convicted as witches. Documented evidence suggests only about twenty thousand executions of women found guilty of witchcraft were carried out. (from QI (quite interesting) - a book of fallacies and facts. What's wrong with that? Two things, first there being no documented evidence from that chaotic era proves nothing. Secondly the "hard facts" gang are nothing if not ambivalent; note how they pull a neat little switch from killed to executed. The point here is though very few women were executed having been found guilty of being witches most of those arrested on suspicion of being witches were killed for being innocent. A witch trial was quite a spectacle, the accused could not be tried by a jury of her peers because the Devil would surely influence the jurors to ignore such smoking guns of evidence as: she's ugly; she has a big nose; she has a wart on her chin; she talks to herself; she has a third nipple; she owns a cat and base their judgement on (Monthy Python and the Holy Grail - Witch Trial) emotive irrelevancies like the accused being Dickin the Cidermakers' Dear Old Granny. (You should try Dickin Cider, it produces a warm glow of satisfaction.) No, trial by jury would not do for a witch trial. What they had to do was trick the Devil into revealing himself. To achieve this the inquisitors had several infallible techniques. In some areas inquisitors would bind heavy stones around the woman's body and throw her in a pond or river. If she was a true witch the Devil would make the stone weightless and the woman would float on the surface of the water. Once her guilt was thus proved she was pronounced guilty and executed. Witches were often executed even though they were dead. You can never be too careful when dealing with the devil. Another favoured method of determining guilt was trial by fire. The accused would be tied to a stake, a big pile of kindling placed round her, soaked with pitch and lit. If she was guilty she would be protected from the flames by diabolical magic. If she was not guilty however she would be burned to death but pronounced innocent of all charges. There were many other ways of trying witches, all equally infallible in establishing guilt or innocence. Medieval justice may have been harsh but they were at least fair about it, the same rules applied to everybody. Even a gentlewoman or a Noble accused of witchcraft would be tried by ordeal. My favourite ordeal is trial by Church Tower. The accused woman would be taken to the top of the church tower and thrown off. If she floated gently to the ground, borne down in the arms of the devil, she was guilty and could be executed. If she smacked into the hard paving stones at the church entrance she died without a stain on her character and the one on the paving would soon fade. Evidence then is not always what it seems to be which is why we must always examine what it presented as evidence both objectively and forensically. And when that is done very little is left standing and we are left with perceptions, beliefs, prejudices and gut feelings. There are several long running controversies that occasionally make headline news at present. One is the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Centre. Many people ask how could it have happened, were all the security services sleeping on the job? Others go further and conclude the attacks could not have happened without the collusion of people in government. Others dismiss these allegations as malicious gossip - mongering. Questions remain of course, why did the Towers fall so neatly, what brought down the third tower and why did nobody act on the alleged warnings from British security services of an imminent attack. The answers to those questions are: we don't know, we don't know and the warning given was that an attack was imminent, it was not specific about when or where or even what form the attack would take. OK, that's one unanswered question dealt with at least. Another long running conspiracy theory concerns the lack of detail in public records about President Obama's past, his birth details, educational records and even evidence of past friendships with people who attended the same colleges at the same time as he. Fair questions, all of them. In Britain we knew almost everything about Prime Minister David Cameron's personal history and those of his predecessors in the job, Tony Blair and Gordon Brown. We know where and when they were born, what hospital (or private address in Mr. Brown's case) the names of the doctors attending, in which Churches they were baptized, we know of their junior and senior school records, how Gordon Brown lost an eye playing rugby, Tony Blair's not very successful rock band career, David Cameron's youthful misdemeanours involving herbal cigarettes and some disgraceful behaviour as a member of Oxford University's Bullingdon Club. We know that Nick Clegg, Liberal Democrat leader and Cameron's coalition partner slept around before he was married. These details are important for establishing trust, we want to know our politicians are human, not cardboard cutouts or worse, creations of the mass media or even worse still, creations of their own solipsistic, narcissistic imaginations. We can forgive our politicians for behaving badly before they held high office but not, it seems for shrouding their past in mystery. Obama's supporters however, among them many Twin Towers 'truthers' do not see any wrong in Obama having spent considerable amounts of American taxpayers' money on blocking attempts to investigate his past. The main plank of their argument is that all criticism of him has its roots in racism. The argument is then taken further by asking could a conspiracy so great and necessarily involving so many people as would be needed to propel an inelegible person to the Presidency of the world's most powerful nation ever be perpetrated. The people who like to think of themselves as realists, rational, convinced only by hard evidence sneer at the suggestion that a nation could have foisted on a leader whose legitimacy to lead that question was in doubt. Poor deluded fools, we should pity them for their irrational belief in reason order and logic. England has not had a legitimate King for over five hundred years. I'm talking about the Blaybourne conspiracy of course (even now, 600 years after the event, mainstream academics are inclined to dismiss the suggestion that King Edward IV of England was possibly the product of a wild fling Cecily Neville, Duchess of York had with an archer while her hubby was away fighting. Here's the story. While Richard Duke of York was engaged in a dispute with the French over where England's territories on mainland Europe should end his young wife Cecily Neville became bored with life in the military compound. (Kings and Lords took their wives along with them to battle in those days) To help pass the time she amused herself with this lusty young archer called Edward Blaybourne (cunning that, if your lover has the same name as your hubby it does not matter whose name you shout out at the critical moment.) Alhough when the young Prince Edward (later King Edward IV was born he was accepted by the Duke, rumours of his illegitimacy persisted even after he had assumed the throne. When Edward died his surviving younger brother became King Richard III but he died childless Britain's real monarch and the throne was claimed by Henry Tudor (King Henry VII) who had a tenuous claim via Cecily Neville but could muster the best army to back up his claim. Various people came forward claiming to be the rightful monarch, most notably Lambert Simnel and Perkin Warbeck but they were easily dealt with according to the custom of the day and their supporters executed for treason. In more recent times when people have tried to dispute the legitimacy of the monarchy they have been blocked by the courts simply preventing the case being heard by ruling that the complainants did not have standing to bring such a case. Does any of that sound familiar? So could the same be done today? Why not? In this age of electronics, of networked computers, it is easy for 'the party' to, as Orwell put it, reach into the past and alter history. In many ways to carry off such a deception in the medieval era would have been much more difficult as news was based on eye witness reports, not on what could be found in easily edited computer files. There have been many much bigger conspiracies throughout history. The biggest and most controversial even after 2000 years is Christianity. We do not have a shred of reliable evidence that Jesus existed as a real person yet many millions will not even consider the possibility he did not. "Ah but you're wrong," supporters of the Jesus conspiracy will say, "the archives of the Roman Empire show Jesus was a real person in history." Do they? The only contemporary reference to anyone who might have been the model for this 'real historical character' is a short reference in the imperial annals to the effect that in the province of Judea a preacher and rabble rouser proclaimed by his followers as the messiah who it was prophesied would lead his people to form a great empire had been executed for the crime of sedition. For the rest we have to rely on the testimony of of St. Paul as written by Luke and a Jewish scribe Josephus. Both were written decades after the events. If we remember there were any number of seditionists running round the middle east claiming to be messiahs and urging people to rise up against Roman rule, promising they could overthrow the empire because God was on their side. Yet many people still believe in the veracity of the gospels and will argue that much of the concrete evidence of the life of Jesus has been destroyed by anti Christian conspirators who were now in a position to create whatever history they believed would best serve their interests. Even if we accept that Jesus was real there are still controversies. A lot of people have been dismissed as conspiracy theorists because they think novels like The Da Vinci code are onto something when they suggest Jesus did not die on the cross. It is doubtful that Gildas Britannicus, an English monk had read The Da Vinci Code or the speculative works of Baigent and Lee when in the fifth century AD he wrote, "We know beyond doubt that Jesus visited England in 38AD." Now Gildas was a Christian and an educated man, a monk, so why is he writing such heresies? And how can we explain the existence in Britain of the Minster Churches, Westminster, Canterbury Minster York Minster and many others. A Minster Church has a very specific distinction, they were churches (the sites not the current buildings which are a mere 900 to 1000 years old) that had been visited by one of the apostles. This is a legend maybe, but why would somebody invent such a story? The great Minster Churches, Cathedrals and Abbeys were symbols of wealth, power and control so perhaps the stories served a similar purpose, adding awe and wonder to the secular weight of the great buildings, wealth and power. What we do know is the Church of Rome reinvented a lot of history in ways that helped shape nations. There is no way of knowing whether things would have been better or worse had that not happened.
•"Day by day and almost minute by minute the past was brought up to date. In this way every prediction made by the Party could be shown by documentary evidence to have been correct; nor was any item of news, or any expression of opinion, which conflicted with the needs of the moment, ever allowed to remain on record. All history was a palimpsest, scraped clean and reinscribed exactly as often as was necessary." - George Orwell, 1984,

The important thing to remember about Jesus, I must point out because I am not trying here to reignite that insoluble argument, is that 2000 years ago they had a very different way of transmitting history to ours in the modern world. Most documented evidence that does not deal with the lives of Kings, generals, noblemen and traitors is simple records of crime and punishment and tax records. Stories were old in a stylized way to impart the essential meanings rather than the dry, dusty facts. A good example of rewritten history is the belief that the Druids, the North European priestly sect practiced human sacrifice. Almost everybody knows this is fact and yet there is virtually no evidence to support it. We even have 'factual accounts' of how the Druids would take their intended victims to "sacred groves" to be sacrificed to their nature Gods. We cannot know the Druids side of the story because these ignorant, superstitious heathens had not developed any written language according to the early Christian scribes who chronicled the conquests of Britain and the Germanic tribes several hundred years after the actual events. The Druids did actually have a written language, The Oghams (this is the name of the characters they used) which consisted of sets of lines something like this: \\\ III ///. It is surprising how many characters can be made with combinations of those strokes arranged above and below a central line (learn more about Oghams.) There was another Druidic alphabet too, think back to the sacred groves for a moment. Trees, beth, luis, nion (birch, rowan and ash), the tree alphabet. Known only to initiates though now you can follow the link and discover the full 22 letter alphabet, it was used to convey information between learned members of the three ranks of Druidry. People have been conspiring since pre - Roman times. So why did we lose the Druidic Oghams script? Easy, "The party, Big Brother, The New World Order?" wanted people to think that before Christianity people had been ignorant savages. There was no evidence of human sacrifice until in the 1980s a well preserved body was discovered in a Lyndow Moss just to the south of Manchester and Liverpool. The corpse had been mummified by the highly acidic peat soil in which it was entombed. Pete Marsh (in Elgland a moss, aka marsh, is a swamp, geddit?) as the 2000 year old man was named yielded many clues about life in Britain in the Roman era. And he was cited as proof or Druidic barbarism, a sacrificial victim. The basis for this, the scientific evidence was that he had died as a result of a blow on the head and strangulation after having enjoyed a good meal which contained sacred (medicinal) herbs. Think about that 'evidence.' He was hit on the head and simultaneously garrotted. That could indicate ritual murder but we have always been told Druids sacrificed their victims by slicing them open with a golden sickle and disembowelling them. Old Pete was in possession of his bowels two millennia later in fact they were sufficiently well preserved to reveal what he had eaten in his last meal. His death could equally be execution for a crime or maybe he was a prosperous man who had been set on by robbers. The medicinal herbs? Could be they were to purge his soul so he could enter Caer Sidhe though that would not be consistent with Druid belief. Or maybe he had simply not been very well. Evidence should always be treated with scepticism unless there are eye witness accounts. Another great conspiracy involving governments, the Church and the academic community is the one that insists the Romans were the great early civilising influence in Europe. The Romans in fact were so civilised they referred to non - Romans as 'barbarians.' Does that make them civilised? Erm, no ... Oh sure, they had maginifcent buildings but that was because they hired Greek and Egyptian architects and engineers. The underfloor heating systems they imported from the middle east, the great civil engineering techniques that delivered clean water to the cities again owed much to Greek and Egyptian societies and also to Babylonian and Assyrian. Roman baths owed a lot to the middle eastern civilisations too. In some technologies the Romans were no match for the north European savages they loved to deride. Smiths among the Celtic tribes of Spain, France and Britain had, like the Assyrians and Indians learned that iron was made stronger if it was heated to almost white hot and then cooled suddenly by being plunged into cold water. Thus Celtic warriors had long bladed, well balanced swords while the Roman legionaires had the short, heavy Gladius. The barbarian smiths also knew that the quality of wrought iron could be greatly improved by adding to the molten ore small quantities of other materials. Another archaeologial find in Britain in the 1980s was a 1700 year old sword that after seventeen centuries buried in peat (wonderful stuff peat) was rusty but still solid and so well preserved that after cleaning the ornamental markings on the blade were clearly visible. In Chariot technology too the Celts had the advantage. While the Romans could only build wheels with an easily damaged wooden rim the Celtic smiths had learned how to put a metal rim onto a wooden wheel and shrink it into place. I don't know how they did that 2000 years ago but well preserved war chariots discovered at burial sites prove they did. The other thing that elevated the pagans above Rome was the political sophistication, pagans lived in democratic communities rather than oligarchies. Nobody starved, everybody was fed from the common store, a child was principally the responsibility of the parents but should anything happen to them the whole community became uncles, aunts, grandparents, cousins, guardians. The old and the sick wre cared for too. it was a humanitarian society. The middle east was even more advanced. At around the time Rome was just starting to build its power base the Persians had electricity. It is well know that the technical specification for the Biblical Ark of the Covenant describes how to build a huge and very effective capacitor that would attract static electricity from the atmosphere, store it until a certain level of charge was reached and then discharge. What is less well know is references to electrical gadgets are not confined to The Bible. It is not know for certain that the artefacts known as The Baghdad Batteries were in fact used to produce an electrical charge but at the link shows it is hard to imagine what else they might have been for. The ancients certainly did not have electric light or power and when filled with grapefruit or lime juice (acid) would not have produced enough electricity to kill anyone as The Ark is reputed to have, but they could have been used in a process similar to electroplating. Or perhaps they were part of a technology completely lost to us. The Romans were superstitious and defensive. They did not like conquered peoples to have mastery of things the Empire's bureaucracy did not understand. If these other societies, the Greeks, Egyptians, Persians, Celts, Dacians (Heard of them? No? Thought not, the erasure of the Dacian civilisation from history is another Roman conspiracy subscribed to by the Empire's successors,) were so far ahead of Rome how did the Romans defeat them? Easy, the rivals of Rome were technological, scholastic, seafaring and agrarian societies, Rome was militaristic - the first Fascist tyranny except for Sparta maybe. In fact the fasces was the symbol of Roman authority. It an axe with a bundle of sticks bound around it depicting the unbreakable power of the central state. When Julius Caesar set out to conquer Gaul he was actually struggling against the Gauls led by their overking Vercingetorix. The legions were slow and clumsy, huge groups of foot soldiers that had to be moved around as a unit. Vercingetorix (if you are wondering where that name is familiar from, he was first cousin to Asterix the Gaul from the cartoon strip,) could command his supporters from various tribes to rendezvous at a certain place of his choosing where the Gauls could mount a surprise attack before melting away into the countryside. What saved Caesar's campaign and enabled him to finally defeat the Gauls at the battle of Alesia was that the Celts were part time warriors, they made their living as farmers and herdsmen or craftsmen. When Vercingetorix and his troops took refuge in the fortified town they assumed the Romans would give up and go away. The Celts had no concept of what it meant to have a standing army, professional soldiers who did not have to think about tending the livestock, getting the harvest in or taking care of the family. Vercingetorix had assumed Caesar would launch a series of suicidal attacks to try to penetrate the fortification but Caesar knew he had only to stay in the field. His men were being paid and with Vercingeorix trapped in the fortress Roman supply lines were reasonably secure. And when the Gauls let the women and children out of the beseiged citadel thinking the Romans would do the honourable thing and allw them to leave, the Legions simply slaughtered the non combatants. It's a good story so why don't we hear much about it in school. Well to tell the truth would undermine the idea that Rome was the great civilising empire of the ancient world. And the conspirators would not want that. For the evidence fans then there is ample evidence that the whole of western history is a vast conspiracy theory.

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.” - Dr. Josef Goebbels.
There are such conspiracies going on all around us now. They are harder to see than the conspiracies of history because of course we do not have the broad view of the present that time gives us of history. Consider the current financial mess and how it was created. Through collusion between governments and the global financial community very necessary banking regulations and accounting were gradually eroded. Arbitrage (short selling) became an acceptable way of trading, creative accounting enabled liabilities to be presented as assets and asset values to be inflated to ridiculous levels to mask poor trading performance. Bankers embarked on irrational lending sprees, the newly created markets in debt enabled high risk loans to be bundled with other debts and sold on. People with no money and no jobs, people living on state handouts, were given huge mortgages that they could never hope to service because the banks reasoned that property values would rise infinitum and even if the borrower defaulted the bank would profit. Take a look at this extract from an article in Rolling Stone if you still feel inclined towards the view of Dr. Pangloss, the philosopher in Voltaire's novel Candide; "All's for the best in this the best of all possible worlds."
"... the great American mortgage bubble of the 2000s, perhaps the most complex Ponzi scheme in human history — an epic mountain range of corporate fraud in which Wall Street megabanks conspired first to collect huge numbers of subprime mortgages, then to unload them on unsuspecting third parties like pensions, trade unions and ..." (read full article
A few voices complained of the insanity in the world, a few people in finance and politics warned that the bubble would burst, the boom was unsustainable, there was too little substance in the global economy but the bankers and governments kept pumping the bellows and inflating the bubble and the media kept chanting the mantra that the good times could last forever, the new economics could create perpetual growth out of thin air. It was the economics of the emperors new clothes. Most people believed what they were told to believe because they did not want to be the one who was different, the outsider who said, "But the emperor is not wearing any clothes and so they joined in the general hubbub in praise of the Emperor's wonderful clothes. Others suspected it would end with much wailing and gnashing of teeth but didn't see why they should miss their turn on the merry - go - round. History will look back in amazement and wonder how we could have been so stupid, how almost the whole populations of great nations could have been taken in by what was obviously an act of collusion between various interest groups, some wanting to control the wealth, others more interested in controlling minds.
Winston picked up a children's history book and looked at the portrait of Big Brother which formed its frontispiece. The hypnotic eyes gazed into his own. It was as though some huge force were pressing down on you - something that penetrated inside your skull, battering against your brain, frightening you out of your beliefs, persuading you, almost, to deny the evidence of your senses. In the end the party would announce that two and two made five and you would have to believe it. - George Orwell, 1984.
Look at how the supporters of climate science who post their propaganda online chant impressive sets of statistics, mostly obtained from satellite surveys or mathematical models in a way very similar to Hindu monks chanting mantras. They repeat over and over again the same statistics until it is hard to distinguish what is fact and what is speculation, mere mathematical modelling, linear models of a non linear system. Very often the people on the ground observing, taking readings and analysing samples report that different things are happening to what the statistics suggest. But the statistics are supreme we are told, the computers are infallible, two and two makes five.
Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, global warming, global warming Hockey stick graph, Hare Krishna, Hockey Stick graph, Hare Krishna Carbon Trading, Loadsa Moolah, Loadsa moolah, Carbon trading, Global warming, global warming, Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna
Should we believe these statistics? Look at the use that is made of percentages. Whenever you see a percentage quoted always ask "percent of what?" Let's look to Orwell again for advice on how we should treat statistics and bear in mind 1984 was written in 1948.
Day and night the telescreens bruised your ears with statistics proving that people today had more food, more clothes, better houses, better recreations - that they lived longer, worked shorter hours, were bigger, healthier, stronger, happier, more intelligent, better educated, than the people of fifty years ago. Not a word of it could ever be proved or disproved. The Party claimed, for example, that today 40 per cent of adult proles were literate: before the Revolution, it was said, the number had only been 15 per cent. The Party claimed that the infant mortality rate was now only 160 per thousand, whereas before the Revolution it had been 300 - and so it went on. It was like a single equation with two unknowns. It might very well be that literally every word in the history books, even the things that one accepted without question, was pure fantasy. For all he knew there might never have been any such law as the jus primae noctis, or any such creature as a capitalist, or any such garment as a top hat. Everything faded into mist. The past was erased, the erasure was forgotten, the lie became truth. Just once in his life he had possessed - after the event: that was what counted - concrete, unmistakable evidence of an act of falsification. He had held it between his fingers for as long as thirty seconds. In 1973, it must have been - at any rate, it was at about the time when he and Katharine had parted. But the really relevant date was seven or eight years earlier. (full text of Nineteen Eighty Four Chapter 7
See how conspiracies work now? Do you see how the climate science scam could be carried off as easily as the sub prime scam was carried off. In reality we are no better able to determine the truth of what we are told than were medieval peasants whose life experience extended only to events that occurred within a few miles of their home of affected them directly. The climate change research community is a small, incesteous group. If a clique of data analysts (lets not dignify these glorified clerks with the appellation scientists) decide it is in their interests to apply certain filters to their data analysis, because maybe they have been promised the support of large, financially and politically powerful organisations if they will promote a case that would increase the influence or the profits of those organisations, and if by using the well established techniques of populist authoritarianism (Dr. Goebbels did not use that phrase but he was familiar with the idea) and suppressed their critics by saying "think of the suffering in poor countries, think of the hungry children," knowing that the media loves sensation and sob stories in equal measure, how easy it would be to spread fear and panic and through that trick people into giving up certain rather inconvenient liberties or accepting draconian taxes as the penalty for buying into the system and doing what they were told to do by the very people now punishing them for doing it. Yes, your head is probably spinning now. And so the easy option would be to go along with the conspirators and dismiss me as just another conspiracy theorist. That of course is what the vested interests behind the conspiracy want you to do. Want to hear from the other side?
Always think for yourself. It is better to think [for yourself] and be wrong than not to think : Hypatia of Alexandria.

"Believe nothing. No matter where you read it, or who said it, even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense." Gautama Siddartha, The Buddha.

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France Moves to Make ‘Conspiracy Theories’ Illegal by Government Decree
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Political elites and super-bureaucrats must be very worried. New start up political parties, dismissed as populist byt in reality listening to the concerns of voters are making inroads into the political status quo. New media investigative journalists and op-ed writers are challenging the official propaganda (and gaining an ever bigger audience). It’s becoming harder to control consensus reality.

NASA Engineer Admits They Can’t Get Past Van Allen Belts
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Believe The Phoney Narrative Or Be Branded a Conspiracy Theorist.
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Economist: World Leaders Will Exploit Charlie Hebdo to Eliminate Internet Privacy
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Everything The Science Whores Told You About Eating Fat Was A Lie.
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British Democracy In Terminal Decline - Voting Is Redundant And Civil Liberties Are So Last Year
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Another Big Result For The 'Conspiracy Theorists' - US CIA Corrupts Western Journalists.
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Proof Bill Gates is Linked to Ebola as it Hits Dallas, Texas?
Ebola fever has landed in America and predictably sparked panic (see headline). The question evert=yone asks is: "How much danger are me and my family in." The questions they should be asking are: "Why does the US Government Department Of Defense hold a patent on the Ebola virus; and: Why has a team from Tulane University and the US Department of Defence biological weapons research project been experimenting on the Ebola virus for several years?

Obama administration ‘blocking' information from the press
Uncovering information that should be available to the public has become increasingly difficult under the presidency of Barack Obama, an Associated Press bureau chief says. In some cases, it surpasses the secrecy of the George W. Bush administration. The White House's penchant for secrecy does not just apply to the federal government, according to AP's Washington bureau chief, Sally Buzbee.

MH-17 Report False Flag Exposed After Revelation Passenger Was Wearing Oxygen Mask

When exactly a month ago the supposedly objective, impartial Netherlands released its official, 34-page preliminary report of the MH-17 crash over Ukraine, presumably based on black box data, air traffic control records, and other “authentic, verified” information, there were precisely zero mentions of “oxygen“, “mask” or “oxygen mask.”

An Interesting Perspective From Across The Pond On The Scottish Referendum Result
The almost inevitable accusations of fraud and vote rigging are beginning to emerge in the wake of the Scottish independence referendum. Surprisingly the likely culprit most fingers are pointing at is not the SNP, leaders of the YES campaign or the Westminster government which wanted to avoid the embarrassment of a no, but the Euronazis in Brussels whose plans for a single European nation would have suffered from a YES vote.

I told you so, now WAKE THE FUCK UP. Have you heard of TTIP? No? Then you have some reading to do. TTIP (the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership) a so called trade pact between the USA and Europe, which is being negotiated in strictest secrecy, would hand global corporations the power to ...

Conspiracy Theorist me? OK Smartarse, So You Don't Believe Conspiracy Theories? Read This .....
I have a theory, not a conspiracy theory but about those who yell conspiracy theorit whenever government propaganda is challenged. I think these people are profoundly insecure and so afraid of the idea that we are on our own in thid big bad world, they have to convince themselves the government is their bestest friend and will protect them whatever happens. Sad really ...

Europe's Bureaucratic Elite Plan More Stitch Ups To Steal E U Member Sovereign Powers.
Good grief, it would be nice to report something funny, but again today we have to deal with the way the corporate - financial elite and their lackeys are tightening the thumbscrews as they seize ever more control of the minutiae of our lives. We are spied on, electronically tracked, nudged into transferring our private lives to digital environments where privacy cannot exist, medicated, and generally shat on in everything we do.

Senior Obama Aide Petraeus Extols North American Superstate.
Why are we bothered about the suicide of the USA as a nation you might well ask. Well the NAFTA which would effectively weld USA, Canada and Mexicio into a single nation on the lines of what EU bureaucrats wouls like to see in Europe is being negotiated in concert with the tans atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership and the Trans Pacific Partnership and all of these 'free' trade treaties will make trade anything but free. What they are designed to do you see is make global corporations free to do WTF they like by sidelining elected governments

Will Anti European Union Feeling Lead To More Integration
Many people who are part of the media luvvieocracy seem to think the anti EU surge revealed in elections to the European Parliament earlier this week will lead to an intensification of the EU ruling bureaucray push for the integration of the 28 European Union member states into a single federal superstate. A more realistic view is that many who voted for the status quo were not so much supportive of the pan - European project as fearful of what will happen when the EU falls apart

How Can Mainstream Politics Respond To The Anti EU Surge Across Europe? As the hysteria intensifies following the enormous anti EU swing in elections for the European Parliament, we look at what options are available to the mostly pro EU, pro federalisation leaders of the main European Union nations, that will not result in the citizens if Europe becoming further alienated from the political and technocratic classes.

If There Is An Anti EU Surge Across Europe What Should Cameron Do?
There is a solar storm of anti European Union feeling surging across the EU, from Finland to Greece. The integrationist bureaucratic dictatorship in Brussels has devivered economic disaster, political chaos and foreign policy humiliation and yet they march on toward the abyss proclaiming theirs is the only way. As the UK Independence Party are one of the largest and best organised anti - EU parties, the shock waves of a protest vote will be felt more acutely in Britain.

Conspiracy Theorists Vindicated: HAARP Confirmed Weather-manipulation Tool
Once again we cynics, freethinkers and natural dissidents, we who believe a liberal in not one of the Sheeple chanting politically correct slogans but a person who accepts it is their duty to question absolutely everything presented as an established truth. The latest established truth we have exposed as a corporate poilitical lie is the geoengineering experiment HAARP. But don't worry, we will not be resting on our laurels, the task of resisting fascism is never ending

When Supporters of Mainstream Parties Tell You The british Are Little Englanders They Are Lying.
Are we really the only nation resisting greater integration with our EU partners leading eventually to britain being absorbed into a federal European Superstate. Look beyond mainstream media for news of what is going on and you might be surprised.

CIA Black Site and UK Government linked to flight MH370 mystery
Even Malaysian officials are now claiming that the government is withholding information on MH370: "Malaysian politician Anwar Ibrahim recently came forth on the world stage, claiming that Malaysian officials are withholding evidence surrounding flight 370 which went missing Mar. 8, 2014. Ibrahim stated [...] “We want to know what happened in terms of the [two] stolen passports. Why were these passports allowed to be used?”, pointed out Ibrahim on Sky News.
Well as nobody is in a hurry to tell them what happened, which makes us wonder could it be anything to do with ... ?

Albert Einstein Talks With Jon Rappoport About Newtonian Materialism and Determinism Another page from Greenteeth Labyrinth with shines the light of reason onto the scientific hocus pocus and magical thinking that presents fairy tales as science and asks us to believe things that are obviously not true. To read or listen to some of the convoluted logic used to head off critical analysis of the fallactious belief of science you'd think scientists were priests of some nutty religion. Scienceology?

Foreign Exchange Market Rigging: Another Conspiracy Theory Exposed As Truth
The people who findly imagine themselves to be realists, rationalists and scientific thinkers have been yelling conspiracy theory for a long time now at those of us with the nous to work out what's really going on. well evidence is overrated because by the time it has come together the scam has been done and the perps (Goldman Sachs and the usual suspects) are away with the money.

There Is A Global Conspiracy Says World Bank Insider
We have reported on many situations that make it obvious our political leaders are collaborating with bankers and global corporations towards, it appears, a global government. Is this conspiracy in the inteerests of we the punters? You can bet your life it isn't. So far however it has been hard to convince indoctrinated Marxists and people who believe singing Kumbaya will make things right, that big government is not our friend but our enemy.

Communities Can Beat Corporate Fascism - Local Activists Block Authoritarian Law
Yes, you read that right, a small farming community has thwarted the plans of corporate agrigulture and their buddies in the politicised justice system. Self educated guerilla lawyers found a way to block the corporate giant using it's legal status as a "person" to override local objections to its plans by claiming its "rights" were being violated.

Representative government Is Being Replaced By A Global Technocracy
When Peter Mandelson, the architect of the New Labour project that gave Britain it's most authoritarian government in three hundred years and sold out national sovereignty to supranational bureaucracies, says that representative democracy is dying, he does not sound as if he will be one of the chief mourtners. What can we do to rescue our democratic freedoms from smooth faced technocrats like Mandelson?

The Floods, The Government, The Environment and The Bottomless Purse
The recent freak weather and floods caused by heavy rains have provoked a storm of criticism about the environment agency's inept response to the problems. More public spending called the left, but the proplem is too much public spending, science and too many experts. What needs to be done is simple and straightforwards, not scientific enough for the experts and not expensive enough for the contractors.

Ersatz Culture Created By World View Theorists To Undermine Western Values Western culture is in trouble, I don't think many reasonable people would disgree with that (if you think a totalitarian global government is kool you're not reasonable, GTF out of here.) The Daily Stirrer has posted many items on the war on our traditions and values and so have other people, one such article is embedded here.

Mind Outside Time
When we talk of the great mysteries we tend to overlook time. we are so conditioned to be slaves to the clock here in our materialist universe we take time for granted. But I have always thought the human mind is the model for Doctor Who's TARDIS and if we were not all obsessed with counting hours and minutes our internal time machine could take us anywhere in infinity or eternity.

New World Order War On free Speech Comes To Britain - Guardian editor accused of treason
The right to free speech is under threat from intolerant, authoritarian elitists, call them The Illuminati, New World Order, Scientific Dictatorshgip, Global Elite, whatever. Their goal is absolute power and they know that while the right of free speech, the free press and free access to information exist they cannot succeed.

Transatlantic trade deal is an assault on democracy says left wing libertarian
Sneaking a transatlantic trade deal through with Obama, by - passing the elected parliament and British law is just about David Cameron's style. But this latest exercise in dismantling democracy could have far reaching consequences for all of us, for example it will give global corporations the power to change British law.

The Big Conspiracy: Corporatism Is Fascism, Democracy Is Dead

The dividing line that marks where big business ends and big government starts has become so blurred it is hardly visible. Is that any wonder with politicians being handed sinecures on corporate boards and senior executives being employed as 'Czars', experts hired to head up government projects. What is clearly visible is the merging of business and government is not good for democracy or individual citizens.

American Paranoia - Something Weird Under The New Denver Airport - conspiracy? With the weird things we know the American Government are involved in, is it surprising that the nation is getting paranoid about some crazy things. The Obama administration must be the least transparent, most out of control government since Pol Pot's regime in Cambodia or Hitler's Nazification of Germany.

Conspiracy Theorist? BBC Thought Police Attack Free Speech
Not so long ago we reported that according to recent research conspiracy theorists are perfectly sane, rational, critical thonkers, old fashioned sceptics (rather than skeptics who only doubt anything tha challenges official dogma. Now the BBC, one Britain's bastion of fair and balanced news reporting and analysis has published a rabid attack on "conspiracy theorists." Are they worried that their propaganda broadcasts aren't getting as many views as truth tellers on You Tube?

Shock, Horror! Conspiracy Theorists Are Sane Say Social Science Researchers
Not so long ago we reported that according to recent research conspiracy theorists are perfectly sane, rational, critical thonkers, old fashioned sceptics (rather than skeptics who only doubt anything tha challenges official dogma. Now the BBC, one Britain's bastion of fair and balanced news reporting and analysis has published a rabid attack on "conspiracy theorists." Are they worried that their propaganda broadcasts aren't getting as many views as truth tellers on You Tube?

Chemtrails; Another Conspiracy Theory? This Might Change Your Mind.
Over the last few years, and increasingly in the past few months there has been a lot of buzz about +Chemtrails and the alleged spraying of +Chemicals mixed in with military and commercial +Aircraft fuels and sprayed into the upper atmosphere. Naturally any reference to ...

The Death Of Princess Diana - The Unasked Questions
I'm not a great fan for the +British Monarchy, it was not until quite late in life when I had to face up to the alternative being somebody like President Thatcher or President Blair that I became totally convince constitutional monarchy is the best option for Great Britain. Clearly then I am not the type of person who would think the death of Diana, Princess of Wales was a ...

Shock, Horror! Conspiracy Theorists Are SaneA new study carried out by Michael J Wood and Karen M Douglas and a team of sociologists and psychologists in both Britain and the U S A and the UK is set to shake the establishment to its foundations. The researchers concluded that people branded as ‘Conspiracy theories’ are actually ‘more sane’ than those who unquestioningly accept the ...
The Extended Europe: A European Union - with Africa and Arabia in itHow far do you think Europe Stretches? From the British Isles to the Bosphorus? From Knivskjelodden (Norway) to Cadiz? Not according to the Globalist Nazis who run the EU. Under the cover of the Euro zone debt crisis they are advancing their plan to extend Europe beyond its geographical and cuiltural boundaries to take in Turkey and the Caucasus, Middle Eastern nations, and the nations of North Africa from Egypt to Morocco as one nation under a single government. Do you still think the E U is a god idea? ...
Why Do Feminists Hate Good Looking Female Celebrities?
We welcome a new contributor to Greenteeth, American writer Sue B. Sue starts her Greenteeth career by questioning the double standards of the left and feminists in particular to good looking female celebrities who are not "on message." Are attacks aimed at Kathie Lee Gifford= just envy or another example of the hypocrisy of "progressives" as they whine about free speech for those that support the agenda but try to silence conservative and libertarian voices.
Electricity bills set to rise to pay for wind farm subsidiesWhile sensible people agree that the climate is causing serious problems few people still think this is due solely to CO2 emissions from human activity. Even the author of Gaia theory has said the problem is more complex. Unfortunately climate scientists with their snouts in the tax money trough are still pushing the discredited idea that wind turbines and solar panels can meet our energy needs. Well if that is the case why are domestic fuel bills rising to pay for subsidies paid to the operators of these failed technologies. [ also Daily Stirrer 21 May 2012
News Used To Be Important - Now It's Just EntertainmentPeople talk about technology, mainly television, cellular telephones and the internet having given us an unprecedented ability to communicate. But have they? OK, we can trade meaningless messages with strangers on the other side of the world, we can join the cacophony of social netwoks where everybody yells at once and nobody listens, or we can sit in isolation, shouting inmto the void. But none of those are communicating. Technology has actually inhibited communication. ...
Liberal BigotsProgressive liberals, or the progressive left, or Trotskyites as the politically correct core of the Labour, Geen and Lib Dem parties would call themselves are quick to accuse their critics of being intolerant bigots. But take a closer look at the state of politics in Britain and you see it is not conservative, old Labour or classical liberals who are bigots but the neo facsists who want to impose their warped views on us by law. ...
We Just Got Fooled AgainClimate Change and causes relating to saving the planet are becoming an industry, a gravy train. International bureaucrats fly around the world from meeting to meeting (and they're all in exotic location) to take party in another feat of windbaggery that will solve neither global warming, food or water shortage, wildlife species extinction or the growing population.
Getting Naked In The Financial Markets
If you've heard of hedge funds and toxic debt you might well think these are the most evil manifestations of the financial markets that plunged our economy into the abyss. Unfortunately there are far more fearsome demons, arbitrage, short selling and naked short selling. Anyine wanting to know how insane pertsonal gred has made the people who are supposed to prudently invest our savings and pension fund money in currency, bond, commodities, stocks or any other financial market this is a must read.

Dumbing Down
Food Crisis Control Freeakery
Cheap Food Is Costing Us The Earth
Futility Of Wind Farms
Green Scaremongering
Government By Fear And Panic
The Patriotism Conspiracy
Populist Authoritarianism
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